In the last days, I’ve been hunting for alternative surveillance software for iSpy. It has been a fun ride through the Internet! Some of the software’s i visited was: iSpy, Synology, Netcam Studio, Webcam XP, go1984, Yawcam, Contacam, Sighthound Video, Ubiquiti, HomeGuard, TinCam, TeboCam, Security monitor pro, Genius Vision, iVideon, NetCamCenter, Smartvue, CameraFTP, Blue Iris and Xeoma webcam. Some tips …
Biltema IP-camera review
Today I bought two IP-cameras with Wifi from Biltema (Norway). Price: 649 kr ($79,78) each. Sensor: 1,0 MP / 25FPS CMOS LED range: 20 meters RTSP URL: rtsp://< IP-ADDRESS>:<PORT>/11 Other articles: Kameraovervåkning hjemme (Norwegian) Hardware The hardware looks like a basic “china-camera” and has the same wall mount as my YianTime …
Buying, installing and testing ConiuGo GSM LAN Modem with Diafaan SMS Gateway
We decided to try the ConiuGo GSM LAN Modem (dead link – removed) at my workplace, as the USB-devices we use now, is a bit tricky running on virtual machines and the virtual COM-ports isn’t always stable. Diafaan has also written a review about this modem. This article is an expanded version of the Diafaan review, with all the details I struggled with. …
Testing Netatmo Weather station and using PHP API
We just bought some Netatmo devices (Weather station components) at work, to monitor the air-quality in our office. After using it for 3 days, I am a bit stunned over how much you can use this devices for. The data itself are interesting enough, but when integrating this data in to a smarthome, you can actually «see» where the people …
Open garage-port with Telldus
If you want to control your garage doors with Telldus, you need a wireless receiver and connect it with your garagedoor-motor push-button input. I bought RX-multi from portspesialisten in Norway.
Sparebank 1 (a Norwegian bank) has released a “wristwatch”-bank app for the Pebble smartwatch (named “klokkebank”). It’s a few weeks since they published some news about this, but it seems it took some time to get the iOS companion app to be approved. On 5. december, the iOS app was finally released. I tried the app for the first time …
Tutorial: Install OpenHAB
OpenHAB is a automation software for your home. OpenHAB is open source and supports a huge list of bindings to control all types of smarthouse-gadgets from different suppliers. In this tutorial I will install OpenHAB 1.5.1 with the OpenHAB demo files, on an Ubuntu server 14.04. Note: After installing I found that you could also install it with apt-get. See wiki …
Kameraovervåkning hjemme?
Har du kunne tenkt deg kameraovervåkning hjemme? Kameraer er såpass billige nå, at man trenger ikke lenger å være paranoid for å sette opp overvåkning – det kan brukes til en mengde andre formål enn å bare fange tyver. Coop obs! hadde nylig tilbud på trådløst IP-kamera til 199 kr. Kameraet hadde IR for nattsyn og kunne styres nesten 360 …
Hjemmeautomasjon, del 1: Lys og temperatur
I den siste tiden har jeg begynt å se på hjemmeautomasjonsløsninger. Problemet med de fleste løsninger som fås kjøpt i dag er at de er proprietæ´r (altså merkevarebeskyttet). Dette betyr at dersom du kjøper en løsning, er du låst til denne løsningen – Det ofte er dyrt, mangler på funksjonalitet og låst til en spesiell leverandør. Så da startet jeg å …