Xiaomi Roborock weird noises

Robert AndresenBlog, Internet of things, Tutorials Leave a Comment

My Roborock started to make some weird noises. Sounded like the start of a broken fan/motor.

I googled a bit, and found that I was not the first one. I found a similar problem from another person that uploaded a video on YouTube.

I contacted Xiaomi support and got this response 40 minutes later:

You could try methods below.
1. Empty dust bin. Clean filter and dry it outside under sunshine for at least 12 hours.
2. Replace the filter with a brand original new one from package box.
3. Change cleaning mode to Max and put hand close to vent if feel if there is big wind. See attached picture.
4. Clap fan slightly like video in link below.

Step 4 is a video of tapping the Roborock. Never thought it would work, but i actually did!