Just wasted a couple of hours troubleshooting the PHP error: AH00052: child pid 2460 exit signal Segmentation fault (11).
The browser (Google Chrome) just returned: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE.
The /var/log/httpd/my_virtual_domain-error_log didn’t say anything.
But the default /var/log/httpd/error_log printed this error [core:notice] [pid 1400] AH00052: child pid 2682 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) for every page request.
The problem was actually a PHP recursive error, which was pretty hard to troubleshoot with that error message.
My PHP Class1 requested the logged in user from the Auth-class, which again requested function getUser from User-class and the User-class tried to create a new object from Class1 in contruct.
Why can’t PHP just say something about this…