I needed a simple way to take product images on a local webpage.
Instead of taking a picture with you phone, send image to your computer and upload it – why not use a simple webcam?
I followed this tutorial: http://fuel-efficient-vehicles.org/pwsdb/?p=304. So look at the tutorial if you need more info.
Take a photo with your webcam
You have to accept that your browser can access the webcam, if you haven't already!
"; // Show photo list($type, $rawData) = explode(';', $rawData); list(, $rawData) = explode(',', $rawData); $unencoded = base64_decode($rawData); $filename = $getMercID.'_'.date('dmYHi').'_'.rand(1111,9999).'.jpg'; // Set a filename file_put_contents("images/products/$filename", base64_decode($rawData)); // Save photo to folder // Update product database with the new filename $query = "UPDATE products SET product_photo='".$filename."' WHERE id='".$getMercID."'"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); } // Stop if product id is missing else { die('Product ID is missing...'); } ?>