Name: Robert Andresen
Model: 1987
From: Norway
Mail: contact at robert.stadsbygd dot net (Public mail-address)
I’m a fullstack developer, that likes to make things pretty. When I’m not working or spending time with my family, I usually play around with my smarthome-gadgets, or building a stable… Currently I’m using Home Assistant to control my home (and stable).
About this blog
This blog is mainly for myself, keeping notes for the next time I wondering about some configuration or a product – but also can be helpful for other people.
I write in English to maintain my English skills (or missing skills? 🙂
As I write code almost everyday, I’m not having a lot of challenges to keep notes of anymore 🙂
My programming skills
I started with HTML around year 2000 (Microsoft Frontpage !!), and later CSS. I started using PHP in the year 2004/2005, like simple include-scripts, guestbook, etc… It wasn’t before 2007 I wrote my first own PHP-application, which was a simple internal ordering-system at my work.
Today I write a little of everything, but mostly PHP for backend and frameless HTML/CSS/JS frontend – which isn’t actually mainstream today, but I have my reasons 🙂
When PHP was struggling on it’s end of version 5, I started writing some Node.js – but when PHP released version 7, it was a completely new game. I haven’t tested myself, but a lot of articles show that PHP7 now have better performance than Node.js, so I went back to what I write best, PHP 🙂
I have also written frontend in Vue, tested Electron a little.
The reason why I usually write «frameless frontend», is because I mostly write internal business applications. When we have control of the browser, it’s simple enough to just use native JavaScript, as it will live on forever, but frameworks don’t.
Current employment
Fosen IKT
Fosen IKT is a department that runs IT-systems for 4 municipalities and other municipal connected companies.
We have two internal departments, one for IT-operations and one for digitization and development.
My tasks are mainly development of helpdesk, CMDB, service catalog and so on. All is connected with things like Active Directory, Office365, Zabbix, etc.
I have also created our own guest-network-portal, that allow guest to identify themselves with SMS or Office365.
Other tasks can be simple scripts to connect systems together.
Fosen Utvikling AS
I and some other friends started Fosen Utvikling AS in 2012, as a company to provide some simple support and help for other companies in our local community.
Before the company was founded, we had already started development of a tracking-application for a local manufacturer. The application scanned parts both in China and Norway, and allowed the manufacturer to see all connected parts in a product.
Later we saw that most companies was using Power Point as a simple digital signage at this time. We created a simple proof-of-concept web-application, Infoplakat.no. After a while, many companies showed an interest in the product. Today (2020) Infoplakat.no is our only off-the-shelf software.
Other things we do at Fosen Utvikling can be management of network and firewall, custom web-applications, simple websites and so on.

VisionLAN started as a LAN-party between friends in the early 2000. Every time we got together, some new friends was joining us.
I 2005 we were so many that we needed to rent bigger facilities and I took the role as admin for VisionLAN. We filled the facilities with 108 participants. In 2008 we were almost 200 participants.
After 2008, most of us in the crew started in collage, got family and kids – so we took a break and started up again i 2016. 2020 will be the 5 LAN-party now after we started up again.
Today I’m trying to push my tasks over on others in the crew, as it’s time for me to retire, at least as admin 🙂